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Rev. Patty Chegg
Director - Arrowheads of God

Patty Chegg is an ordained minister who functions as an apostolic and prophetic intercessor, and who is the director of Arrowheads of God, an independent ministry associated with Visionary Ministries International, and which is based on the Gold Coast of Australia.

She partners in ministry with Revs. with Logan and Sharon Anderson, and is a director on their board of Visionary Ministries International. 

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Patty ministers wherever the Holy Spirit leads her, as the platform of  corporate repentance belongs to God.  we see evidence of the fruits of faith in healing, deliverance and freedom, and through the releasing of apostolic decrees (Job 22:28).

About this

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'The Arrowheads of God ministry was formed and activated as a result of prophetic words received from the Lord. The response has been for the launch of this ministry platform, named the Arrowheads of God’.

God is faithful in outworking His Word through scripture released in the repentance narritave of the workbook "Repentance of Generational Sin and Iniquity, and Renunciation of Generational Curses".  This ministry resource was compiled by Patty in line with Acts 17:30 and 2 Chronicles 7:14.  Further workbooks are to follow.

The repentance ministry is itinerant, and has expanded interstate within Australia and internationally, touching many lives, setting the captives free, healing the wounded heart, restoring identity in Jesus Christ, and responding to the call to participate in His Harvest.

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